Can I secure and under 1 SAN?

multi-domain2When you buy or configure your Multi-Domain (SAN) SSL Certificate, please note that most Multi-Domain Certificates do not secure the domains with and without “www”. With other words if you want to secure both, and under one single Multi-Domain Certificate, that will be considered as two different domain names. The screenshot on the right shows you where you can find the attribute that tells you if your Multi-Domain Certificate secures both “www” and “non-www” under one single domain (SAN), or not.

Anyway, that is not a problem so as you cannot have the same website open both as and as All website owners only choose one of these options and make the other option automatically re-direct to the other. For example, you can choose your website to always open at and anybody who enters on is automatically redirected to In this way, you only have to secure one domain, and that is:

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