Sectigo 域名验证 (DV) SSL 证书

以优惠价格购买 Sectigo DV 证书

Sectigo DV 证书可确保从小型博客到整个网站网络的安全。 立即购买 Sectigo DV 证书,保护访客的敏感数据。

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最佳 Sectigo DV SSL 证书

Sectigo 域名验证证书有两点优势:无与伦比的价格和大量廉价的 Sectigo DV 证书。 选择适合您项目的证书类型。

一个域名 Sectigo DV 证书

One Domain Sectigo DV 证书仅验证域名所有权,非常适合入门级网站、博客、在线投资组合和信息平台。 您可以在五分钟内获得它们,并享受先进的加密技术和额外的优惠,如提高信任度的网站印章和防止数据泄露的 SSL 保证。

通配符(一个域和所有子域)Sectigo DV 证书

通配符域名验证 Sectigo 证书可在单个 SSL 安装下保护您的域名和无限多个子域。 通配符 SSL 证书是复杂网站的最佳解决方案,可在配置过程中节省时间和金钱。 只需重新签发证书,您就可以随时保护任意多个子域。

多域(SAN 和 UCC) Sectigo DV 证书

多域 Sectigo DV 证书允许您只使用一个 SSL 证书来保护多个网站的安全。 SAN 和 UCC Sectigo 证书开箱即有三个域,可根据要求加密多达 250 个 SAN,从而简化 SSL 管理,并在此过程中为您节省大量资金。 最重要的是,Sectigo 多域产品与大多数平台和系统兼容,是定制服务器和复杂系统的完美选择。

多域通配符 Sectigo DV 证书

多域通配符 Sectigo 证书可以实现其他证书类型无法实现的功能:在单个 SSL 安装下加密多个域和无限多个子域。 这些灵活的证书是入门级网站和小型企业的理想选择,可验证域名所有权,并为多达 250 个 SAN 提供牢不可破的加密,只需一次性配置和更新。


使用我们的 SSL 向导选择适用于您的选项,我们会帮您找到合适的 SSL 证书。



额定值 4.9 5分由 1005 客户

Customer Reviews
Christopher Broderick
15 6 月, 2022, , united kingdom

Great selection of certificates with a clear definition of properties for each certificate makes it easy to choose the right one.

Munro James
31 10 月, 2020, Victoria, AU

Easier and cheaper than going directly and ordering via the vendor, thank you for the information and the simple shopping experience.

Kelly Mark
29 10 月, 2020, Dublin, IE

Excellent customer service when I ordered the wrong cert! The support team then helped me get the correct cert and refunded me on the incorrect cert I bought! Very fast and a happy customer.

23 6 月, 2020

One of the most reliable SSL brands. If you need to secure subdomains and can afford it, don’t think twice. Get it.

12 6 月, 2020

The price seems fair for an EV certificate, especially the two-year deal. Unlike my previous provider, which I won’t advertise here, at SSL Dragon, the buying steps are easier and better explained.

31 5 月, 2020

Always a pleasure doing business with SSL Dragon. Thawte certificates consistently deliver the highest encryption and customer trust.

16 5 月, 2020

Was assigned to secure several NGO sites. Picked this certificate because of a higher warranty and reasonable price. It’s always a pleasure to work with SSL Dragon.

17 12 月, 2019

Simply the best. Easy to buy and configure. Plenty of features. Can display the site seal in different languages as well.

5 11 月, 2019

A top-class product from a reputable company. Credits to SSL Dragon as well, for a smooth buying experience and excellent price.

3 5 月, 2019

This is the third SSL Certificate I buy from SSL Dragon, and the first one from GeoTrust. All I can say is the certs work as described in the specs, and the support is very friendly.

24 3 月, 2019

The SSL wizard recommended this certificate for our e-stores. We’re already on the third renewal, and during all these years, didn’t have a single issue with it.

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