What are Multi-Year SSLs?

What are Multi-Year SSL Subscription Plans?

Starting with August 19th, 2020, the maximum duration of publicly-trusted SSL/TLS certificates issued by all Certificate Authorities (CAs) has been set to a maximum of 13 months.

However, in order to make your SSL Management process time-saving and cost-effective, the CAs and SSL Dragon are offering you the 2 Year and 3 Year SSL Subscription Plans.

This means that you can still buy a 2 or 3 year SSL Certificate and continue to benefit from multi-year discounting, while still remaining compliant with the CAB Forum SSL requirements.

How the Multi-Year SSL works?

Due to security reasons, your SSL certificate is initially issued with a maximum 1-year validity.

30 days before the expiration of your certificate, SSL Dragon, on behalf of the CA, will notify you and ask you to reissue your SSL, in order to get the additional (replacement) 1-year certificate, according to your Subscription Plan.

This FAQ explains to you how to reissue your SSL Certificate, step by step.

You will need to validate & install the replacement SSL:

a. If you have a Domain Validation SSL Certificate, a short verification of your domain name will be required via Email, HTTP, or DNS in order to issue the 1-yr replacement SSL.

b. If you have a Business or Extended SSL Certificate – an additional Business Validation/Extended Validation recheck and callback process will also be required.

You can still reissue your certificate at any time and as many times as you like during your Multi-Year SSL Subscription Plan.

On your SSL Certificate’s page within the SSL Dragon account, you will find all the details regarding your Subscription Plan:

  • Valid From – Shows the date when your SSL was issued and became active
  • Expires – Shows the date when your SSL expires and needs to be reissued (not Renewed).
  • Subscription Starts – The date when the first SSL was issued and the subscription period activated
  • Subscription Ends – The date when the subscription ends and SSL needs to be Renewed (not Reissued)
  • Next Reissue – shows the number of days left of your SSL. The Certificate should be reissued 30-days prior to this date.

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