Conditions for using our website
Please read these Terms of Services carefully before making orders on our website. These Terms of Services, along with the Refund Policy, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer, shall be considered as the agreement between us, the “Service provider”, and you, the “Customer”, and replace or supersede any agreements prior established between the above-mentioned parties.
You can visit our website, make purchases and use the services only if you accept and comply with the requirements set forth in this agreement. You shall not access our website or use our services and products if you disagree with any parts of this agreement. By submitting your order, you confirm that you have read and accepted these Terms of Services, the Disclaimer, the Refund Policy, and the Privacy Policy.
SSL Dragon will fulfill the SSL Certificates orders on time, according to the time established on the details page of every SSL Certificate, in case you fill in the information about yourself, your company, your server and your domain names and sub-domains correctly. If the information that you submit when placing your SSL order is incorrect or incomplete, then the issuance of an SSL Certificate may take significantly longer.
You as a “Customer” are required to provide truthful and accurate information. Failure to do this may result in delays of order fulfillment, which can take many additional days until completion. Most of these delays are out of our control because the information which you provide to us is being checked by a Certificate Authority. They are the ones who certify whether the information which you provided is valid, or it is inaccurate.
It is prohibited to use your SSL Certificate on behalf of another organization, to perform private of public key operations using a domain name other than the one(s) authorized in the SSL Certificate application, on more than one physical device or server at a given time, or use it as control equipment in hazardous circumstances. You must also safeguard your login and password credentials from theft and from any potential unauthorized use. In case of failure to comply with this restrictions, you shall be liable for all the further consequences.
Payments, Refunds and Fees
All the payments made by our customers are processed by the following payment processors: PayPal and Stripe. These companies bear the liability for the security and confidentiality of your payment credentials and information. Therefore, SSL Dragon is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses or damages, occurred from an insecure payment connection or unauthorized use of your confidential data provided on the above-mentioned companies’ gateways.
You can request a refund within 25 days from your order, according to our Refund Policy. Also, according to these Terms of Services, in case you cancel your services purposefully or accidentally after a period of 25 days from the purchase date of your SSL Certificate, and you ask us to enable your SSL Certificate back, that would require us to re-issue an SSL Certificate for you, and you agree to pay any applicable fees, and the price of the SSL Certificate reissuance, which equals to the price of the SSL Certificate as shown on our website. If our technicians need to get involved in this situation (the SSL Certificate re-issuance process after accidental or purposeful cancellation of your SSL Certificate), then you may be the subject of a $50 penalty fee.
Proofs of Service Delivery
There are 4 proofs that an SSL Certificate has been successfully delivered to you. Any of these 4 elements can be independently considered as a successful delivery of an SSL Certificate:
- After paying for an SSL Certificate on our website, you will go through all the required steps towards the issuance of an SSL Certificate. In case of providing truthful and correct information about yourself or your business, the Certificate Authority will approve your request and will grant you the right to own an SSL Certificate. The confirmation that this process was done successfully is the display of the word “Active” next to your SSL Certificate order in our internal administrative system which our Sales Support specialists have access to;
- The SSL Certificate which you bought will show an “Active” status under the “My Services” section inside your account;
- The files which contain the SSL Certificate will be sent to you on the e-mail address which you provided during the ordering process, or on the email address which you chose to receive the domain verification message to;
- The successful installation and configuration of the SSL Certificate on your server and domain. The website can be checked using a third party tool such as in order to confirm that the SSL Certificate was purchased from us, was installed by us or by the customer, and is present and active on the customer’s server and website.
The Delivery does not include the transitioning of all your website pages and links from HTTP to HTTPS, due to the existence of so many types of website structures and content management systems. We decided to leave the migration from HTTP to HTTPS on your side, or on your developers’ side because you know your website’s functionality and structure better than we do.
Expiration and Renewal of Services
All SSL Certificates which you buy on our website are purchased as a “recurring transaction”. This means that you will be charged Annually (once a year), Biennially (once every two years), or Triennially (once every three years), depending on which billing cycle you have chosen when you first purchased your SSL Certificate. When you buy an SSL Certificate from us, you agree to be enrolled in a “payment subscription”, also called “recurring transaction”.
You agree to keep your own records and reminders regarding the expiry of your SSL Certificate and further renewals of it. Anyway, to make things easier for you, we will send you e-mail messages to inform you when your SSL Certificate is about to expire and you need to make a new payment to continue its validity. The messages will be sent 30 days, 10 days and then 3 days prior to the expiration date of your SSL Certificate. In this way, we will help avoid leaving your website and your customers unprotected. If you fail to renew your certificate, then your services will be suspended or canceled.
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your SSL Certificate, or your access to our services, or your account immediately, for any reason, including but without limitation to the following: if you break the conditions of these Terms, the information which you submitted when applying for your SSL Certificate is false or no longer valid, or you do not renew your SSL Certificate. If your access is terminated because of one of the above stipulated reasons, you will not receive any refund for your SSL Certificate, and your services will be terminated.
The termination conditions also apply to fraudulent use of our website and accounts, scamming activities, website abuse, DDOS attack, hacking activities, viruses or malware spreading activities, fraudulent payments, the usage of fake or stolen credit/debit card information or PayPal accounts, or other similar or derived activities which are strictly prohibited. In case any of these unlawful activities are noticed, we are entitled not to deliver the service which you purchased from us, and at the same time keep the money that you have paid us in order to cover the remedial of the prejudice which your unlawful activities have caused us. Also, we are entitled and may seek further justice in court, if the cost of the prejudice is greater than the amounts which the customer paid us.
Law Compliance
These Terms of Services are compiled in accordance with laws of the United States of America. However, if we fail to enforce any provision or right of these Terms, this will not be considered as a waiver of those rights. If a court will rule as invalid or unenforceable any provision of these Terms, the remaining provisions shall remain in force.
Changes of Customer’s information
You agree to provide us the most accurate information regarding yourself and your company as a part of purchasing services from us. You must notify us by contacting us, or you must update your information in your account no longer than 10 business days after your personal or company information changes. In case of failure to do so, or if you provide inaccurate, false, incomplete, outdated or misleading information, we reserve the right to terminate your SSL Certificate, the agreement, and close your account. If your SSL Certificate is cancelled by us due to the above stipulated reasons within 25 days after the purchase date, then you are entitled for a full refund of the SSL Certificate price. If your SSL Certificate is cancelled after 25 days from the purchase date, then no refund will be issued to you.
Terms of Services Changes
We reserve the right to modify, replace or rewrite our Terms of Services at any time at our sole discretion. You will not be informed by email, phone or messaging system inside your account about any changes or revisions on these Terms of Services. It is your sole responsibility to read these Terms of Services periodically, or at least when you are buying new services from us.
The Terms of Service changes will come into effect and will become effective on the day when they are published on our website. If you continue to use our services after the changes go in effect, it means that you agree with the revised provisions. If you do not agree with the our updated requirements, then please stop using our services.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding our Terms of Services, feel free to contact us using the information below:

SSL Dragon (DBA), GPI Holding LLC, 1900 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA 95124, United States