Author: Dionisie Gitlan

Experienced content writer specializing in SSL Certificates. Transforming intricate cybersecurity topics into clear, engaging content. Contribute to improving digital security through impactful narratives.

Why Do You Need an SSL Certificate for Your Website?

Are you wondering: “Do I need an SSL certificate for my website?“ The answer is a resounding yes. An SSL certificate secures connections between your web server and visitors’ browsers. It encrypts sensitive information, such as personal data and credit card numbers, keeping them safe from cyber threats. But the benefits don’t end there. SSL […]

Why Is SSL Important? 9 Reasons Why Every Website Needs It

You’ve likely seen the padlock symbol or the HTTPS acronym next to a website’s URL while browsing. These symbols indicate that the connection between the browser and the website server is secure. The underlying technology behind this is the SSL/TLS cryptographic protocol. Today, all websites must use it to comply with the security and SEO […]

How to Get an SSL Certificate for Free? – A Quick Guide

So, you’re interested in securing your website without breaking the bank. You’ve probably heard of SSL certificates, those small digital files that keep your site secure and your users’ data safe. But did you know you can get them for free? From providers like Let’s Encrypt or ZeroSSL to cloud services like Amazon, there are […]

What is HTTPS? – Exploring the Standard Web Communication Protocol

Securing your online presence is non-negotiable. You’ve probably noticed the ‘HTTPS‘ prefix on URLs and wondered what it’s all about. Well, it’s more than just a random assortment of letters — it’s a security protocol that safeguards your data from cyber thieves, especially when you’re sharing sensitive information. Want to know what is HTTPS? How […]

What is a Wildcard Certificate and How Does it Work?

You’ve likely heard about wildcard certificates, but do you know their purpose? In a nutshell, they’re digital certificates that let you secure multiple subdomains under one domain. Think of it as a one-size-fits-all solution for businesses and websites with numerous subdomains, offering protection against cyber threats. Since there are so many different websites with complex […]

What is SSL/TLS? The Complete Guide to SSL Encryption

If you browse the web frequently (and who doesn’t these days?), chances are you’ve seen the SSL/TLS acronyms more than once. You may even know they’re related to web security and data protection. But what is SSL? And how does it secure sensitive information online? This article provides the answers, including tips on how to […]

WordPress SSL: The Ultimate Guide to a Secure Website

After you install WordPress on a fresh site, the next step is to add a WordPress SSL certificate. If you skip this phase, browsers will flag your website as “not secure,” and visitors won’t be able to access it. But what is an SSL certificate for WordPress, and how do you get one? Stay tuned […]

Most Common OpenSSL Commands: The Essentials

Let’s jump into the world of OpenSSL, your trusted ally for securing online data! Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience under your belt, this article is your straightforward guide to the most common OpenSSL commands  I’ll cover CSR and key generation, certificate management, converting certificate formats, and more. Stay with us, and soon, […]

Top Code Signing Certificate Providers By Price and Features

Are you looking for a reliable code signing certificate provider to secure your next digital program? You’ve come to the right place. Whether you need individual, business, or extended validation, we have the optimal products for your project and budget. However, with numerous providers in the market, it can be daunting to choose the right […]