In this tutorial, we will show you how to generate a CSR on macOS Servers.
Just follow the steps below:
Step 1. Log into your macOS server
To access your server, open the Finder, locate the Applications, then select Server
Step 2. Pick the server on which you intend to install the certificate
Here you have two options:
- This Mac – YourServerName – will generate the CSR code on the same server. Enter your admin name and password, and click Allow to continue
- Other Mac – YourServerName – will create the CSR code on any other server. Enter the hostname/IP address, along with your admin details, and press Allow to proceed
Step 3. Initiate the CSR generation
Go to Server section (left pane) and select Certificates.
You’ll find an already existing self-signed certificate with your server’s name. Since no browser or application will accept it, you need to add a certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority. Hover your mouse to the bottom of the page, click + button and select the first option: Get a trusted certificate.
A new window will pop up. Click Next.
Step 4. Fill in your information
It’s time to include the required information into your CSR code. Fill in the fields as shown below:
- Host name: enter the Fully Qualified Domain (FQDN) name you want to secure. For example, for single-domain certificates or, * for wildcard certs
- Contact Email Address: provide a valid email address
- Company or Organization: type the official (legal) name of your company. For instance, GPI Holding LLC. If you don’t have a company, put in NA
- Department: specify the department in charge of SSL Certificates (e.g. IT or Web Administration). If you don’t have any, type NA
- Town or City: include the town or city where your organization is registered. For instance, Nashville
- State or province: submit the state or province where your business is located. For example, Tennessee
- Country: from the drop-down list select your country
Double-check the details you’ve just entered and click Next.
You can now see the newly generated CSR code. Click Save and then Finish. You’ll be able to open the CSR file anytime with TextEdit.
Along with the CSR code, the CSR generator will also create the RSA private key. You’ll find it in your Mac’s Keychain.
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