How to Install an SSL Certificate on SurgeMail

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install an SSL Certificate on SurgeMail. Part one and two will focus on CSR generation and SSL installation steps, while the final segment will reveal the best place online to shop for affordable SSL certificates.

If you’ve already generated the CSR code and applied for an SSL certificate, feel free to skip part one and head straight to the installation guidelines.

Table of Contents

  1. Generate a CSR on SurgeMail
  2. Install an SSL certificate on SurgeMail
  3. Test Your SSL installation
  4. Where to buy the best SSL certificate for SurgeMail?
Code snapshot showing Surgemail configuration errors.

Generate a CSR on SurgeMail

CSR generation is an integral part of the SSL buying process. To apply for an SSL certificate, you must submit a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to your certificate authority (CA). The CSR is a block of encoded text with contact data about the applicant.

You have two options:

  1. Use our CSR Generator to create the CSR automatically.
  2. Follow our step-by-step tutorial on how to generate CSR on SurgeMail.

Install an SSL certificate on SurgeMail

After your CA sends your SSL certificate via email, you have to download the archived folder and extract its contents on your system. To install the certificate, you’ll need your primary and intermediate certificates,

Follow the steps below to complete the installation:

  1. In the Web Admin where you generated the CSR, copy and paste the contents of the certificate files to the SSL Certificate(s) field. The Primary Certificate (issued specifically for your domain name) must be first, and the Intermediate Certificate second with no line of space between the two.
    (Your Primary certificate)
    (Your Intermediate certificate)
  2. You can open the SSL files using a simple text editor such as Notepad.
  3. Click Save and restart SurgeMail.

Congrats you’ve successfully installed your SSL certificate.

Test Your SSL installation

After you install an SSL Certificate on SurgeMail, you should run a quick test and check your new cert for potential errors and vulnerabilities. We have an entire article on our blog, describing the best SSL tools to scan your SSL installation.

Where to buy the best SSL certificate for SurgeMail?

SSL Dragon is the vendor you’re looking for! We’ve built strong partnerships with the leading Certificate Authorities to offer you incredibly low prices across the entire range of SSL products. All our certificates are compatible with SurgeMail.

You can find the best SSL Certificate for your project and budget with the help of our SSL Wizard. It offers a quick and efficient way to determine the right SSL for you.

If you find any inaccuracies, or you have details to add to these SSL installation instructions, please feel free to send us your feedback at [email protected]. Your input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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Experienced content writer specializing in SSL Certificates. Transforming intricate cybersecurity topics into clear, engaging content. Contribute to improving digital security through impactful narratives.