
What is new in TLS 1.3? A quick overview

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the cryptographic protocol that provides communication security to all modern websites. First released in 1999 as an upgrade to now-deprecated SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 evolved into TLS 1.1 and then, in 2008, into the current TLS 1.2 version. While TLS 1.2 has been an enormous success over the last ten years, […]

What Happens When an SSL Certificate Expires?

In the grand scheme of things, SSL certificates have a relatively short lifespan. They can protect your website for just one year before expiring. The imperative thing is to not miss the expiration deadline. If the SSL certificate expires, prepare for the worst – the dreaded security warning message on your pages. In this article, […]

Sectigo Acquires Icon Labs and Launches IoT security Platform

Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA) has acquired Icon Labs, a security company providing cross-platform solutions for embedded OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and IoT (Internet of Things) device manufacturers.  With the IoT market expected to reach more than 75 million devices by 2025, securing connected devices across an ecosystem has become a top priority for the leading […]

Firefox 66 update redesigns SSL error messages

Firefox 66, the latest version of the popular browser introduced several new features including block autoplay (prevents a website from automatically playing sound), improved search experience, smoother scrolling, and many more. The new release also came with redesigned SSL error messages to help users better understand the risks of an unsecure connection. If the Firefox […]

Comodo CA rebrands as Sectigo

Comodo CA, one of the world’s largest Certificate Authorities with more than 3 million customers in 150 countries, has rebranded as Sectigo.  Since its inception in 1998, Comodo has issued over 100 million certificates and has served over 700,000 businesses worldwide. The rebranding marks the dawn of a new era, as the company broadens its […]

SSL Validity to be Restricted to 2 Years from March 2018

The Certificate Authority Browser Forum, also known as CAB Forum passed ballot 193 which reduces SSL Certificates validity (Domain Validation and Business Validation) to 825-days (roughly 27 months). The ballot didn’t affect the Extended Validation Certificates, due to their already existing 2-year lifetime. The new regulations will come into effect on March 1, 2018. Chris Baily […]

Google Introduces Security Panel in DevTools

In 2014, Google Chrome Security Team expressed their intention to mark both, broken HTTPS URLs and HTTP websites as being non-secure online resources. Since HTTP is the only non-secure online resource that remained unmarked, the purpose of this marking is to clearly inform users that HTTP websites don’t provide any security for their data. This […]

Cracking SSL Encryption is Out of Human Reach

SSL/TLS encryption plays a vital role in ensuring the privacy and integrity of online communications, allowing us to share personal and financial information securely. However, as technology advances and computing power surges forward, concerns about the vulnerability of SSL encryption have emerged. In recent years, the idea of cryptographic backdoors, quantum computing advancements, and brute-force […]

How do SSL Certificates Affect SEO Rankings?

Update! In 2017, Chrome began flagging all HTTP websites as not secure. This action accelerated HTTPS adoption across the Web. With over 90% of websites already encrypted, the SEO boost is no longer applicable. You can’t gain an edge when HTTPS is all but mandatory for everyone. Moreover, if you don’t use an SSL certificate, your […]