
SSH vs. SSL – Explore the Differences and Similarities

Whether you’re sending an email, making an online purchase, or connecting to a server, you’re using SSL or SSH – two critical protocols in internet security. But what are they, and how do they differ? Both SSH and SSL are instrumental in ensuring a safe and secure online environment, but they operate differently and serve […]

What Is SSL Inspection? Mastering Network Security

Almost every site now loads over HTTPS, encrypting web traffic in the process. It’s the new normal for web security. But here’s the kicker – while encryption keeps your data safe, it’s like a sealed letter. What if someone’s slipping nasty stuff in there? Enter SSL Inspection, the SSL security guard. Think of it as […]

What Is Certificate Pinning and How It Works?

Imagine you’re using a mobile banking app and just completed a transaction. You’d want that sensitive information to be secure, wouldn’t you? This is where certificate pinning plays a crucial role. It’s a security precaution employed by app developers to ensure that your data is communicated safely over the network. But what is certificate pinning, […]

What Is an SSL Port? The Complete Guide

A popular question users ask when adding an SSL certificate to their websites is, “What is an SSL port?.” This article covers all the aspects of SSL/TLS ports so you can navigate between them. SSL ports are a critical element of secure internet communication, serving as the virtual transmission endpoints where SSL sessions originate. Comparable […]

Differences Between TLS 1.2 and 1.3 – What Sets Them Apart?

You’re in the middle of setting up a secure connection for a new web server and need to choose between two protocols: TLS 1.2 vs. TLS 1.3. While they may seem interchangeable, their distinct features could significantly affect your server’s performance and security. For instance, TLS 1.3 has an improved handshake process that speeds up […]

Discover the Difference Between OV and EV Certificates

OV (Organization Validation) and EV (Extended Validation) certificates are SSL certs that business websites use to prove identity and secure customer data. OV says, “Hey, we’re a real company,” while EV goes a step further, saying, “We’re not just legit, but also extra secure.” It’s all about different levels of online trust and protection for […]

What Is an S/MIME Certificate and How Does It Work?

Ever wondered how secure your email really is? It’s not as foolproof as you might think. With so many data breaches happening daily, taking your email security for granted may backfire when you least expect it. Thankfully, there’s a quick and efficient solution to protect your personal and corporate messages. Enter S/MIME certificates – the […]

SHA-1 vs SHA-2 vs SHA-256 vs SHA-512 Hash Algorithms

Learning about Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) for the first time can feel like deciphering an alien code. In reality, it’s not as complicated as it seems. You’ve probably heard of SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-256, and SHA-512, but do you understand their differences and how they affect your data security? These cryptographic hash functions play a vital […]

Client Certificate vs. Server Certificate: What Is the Difference?

Understanding the dynamics of digital certificates can be overwhelming, especially for new users. With so many technical terms around, navigating the cyber security space requires advanced web encryption and authentication knowledge. The distinction between a client certificate vs. server certificate often confuses non-technical users, but knowing what they are and how they work is essential […]

What Is the Difference Between .CER and .CRT Files?

Installing and managing an SSL certificate can be tricky if you’re not familiar with different file formats like CER vs. CRT. These two extensions may have caught your attention, and you might be wondering what they are, how they differ, and, most importantly, how to convert one into the other. It’s not as complicated as […]