CSR Generator
In order to prevent the situation when you lose your CSR code and Private Key, we automatically send them to the email which you provided when using the SSL CSR Generator from above. Please check your email, and look for a message from SSL Dragon ([email protected]).
However, if you lost or cannot find the email message from us, and you did not save a copy of your CSR code and Private Key, then you will not be able to apply for an SSL Certificate, and you will not be able to install your SSL Certificate on your website and server. But, that is easy to solve by generating a new CSR code and a new Private Key by using the SSL CSR Generator from above.
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Yes, you can look at what information your CSR includes, by using our CSR Decoder tool. It is doing a process which is opposite to encrypting it.
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A CSR is issued immediately. It will be issued to you as soon as you fill in the SSL CSR Generator from above.
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Whether you accidentally or purposefully enter some incorrect information while using the CSR generation tool, the CSR and the Private Key will still be issued to you immediately. However, once you use the CSR code to apply for an SSL Certificate, you may or may not be issued an SSL Certificate. It is solely at the Certificate Authority’s discretion to approve or decline your SSL Certificate issuance if you entered incorrect information about you and your company.
If you realize that you entered incorrect information while generating the CSR, you simply have to put aside, ignore or delete your existing CSR and Private Key. After that, you should generate a new CSR code (which will automatically generate a new Private Key too), using correct information about yourself and your company. Use the newer CSR when applying for an SSL Certificate, and then your newer Private Key when installing your SSL Certificate on your website and server.
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The CSR contains the following encrypted information: your country, state, city/town, name of the organization, department from your organization, the domain name that you want the SSL Certificate to be issued for, and the email address where your CSR code and the Private Key will be sent to once they are both generated.
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CSR stands for “Certificate Signing Request”. The CSR code represents an encrypted text message which a person or a company sends to the Certificate Authority as a part of applying for an SSL Certificate. The CSR code contains information about you and your company, which will be included in the SSL Certificate that will be issued to you.
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You need a CSR in order to apply for an SSL Certificate. Later, when your SSL Certificate is issued to you, then you will also use the CSR code for the activation of the TLS (Transport Layer Security).
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