How to get an LEI number?

LEI number registration is a four-step process:

  1. Choose the LEI plan that suits your budget
  2. Complete our intuitive LEI application form
  3. Submit your LEI form and payment
  4. Wait for the LEI code to arrive by e-mail.

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What happens when an LEI number expires?

You must renew your LEI code annually to keep the LEI status ACTIVE. Failure to do so will display your LEI as LAPSED in the Global Lei Index. An expired LEI may incur non-compliance fines and block financial transactions.

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Do you offer a money back guarantee?

We guarantee a 100% refund only for non-issued LEI codes. If the LEI code is issued and the user cancels it, there will be NO refund. Please note we do not guarantee a refund if the information provided during entity verification is fake and wrong.

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How can I renew my LEI code?

To renew your LEI code, log into your LEI account and select the renewal option. Submit the details of the legal entity which needs to be renewed, including the LEI Code. Wait for a renewal confirmation.

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How long does it take to get an LEI?

Estimated LEI registration time varies by country. Applicants from Australia, the US, the UK, and European Union should receive the LEI code less than an hour after applying. For other countries, LEI processing may take between 1 and 36 hours.

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How long does it take to apply for an LEI?

The LEI online registration should take a few minutes, provided you have all the required information and documents. Preparing the required data and paperwork varies from company to company.

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What are the LEI registration requirements?

Here are the LEI number registration requirements:

  • Entity’s Legal name.
  • Registered address.
  • Address of headquarters.
  • Registration number and governing authority.
  • Entity type.
  • Parent company relationship information.

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How much does it cost to get an LEI number?

LEI application cost starts at just $59 per year. But there’s more! You can save up to 17% when buying a multi-year option.

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