Advanced SSL

What Is Certificate Pinning and How It Works?

Imagine you’re using a mobile banking app and just completed a transaction. You’d want that sensitive information to be secure, wouldn’t you? This is where certificate pinning plays a crucial role. It’s a security precaution employed by app developers to ensure that your data is communicated safely over the network. But what is certificate pinning, […]

What Is an SSL Port? The Complete Guide

A popular question users ask when adding an SSL certificate to their websites is, “What is an SSL port?.” This article covers all the aspects of SSL/TLS ports so you can navigate between them. SSL ports are a critical element of secure internet communication, serving as the virtual transmission endpoints where SSL sessions originate. Comparable […]

Differences Between TLS 1.2 and 1.3 – What Sets Them Apart?

You’re in the middle of setting up a secure connection for a new web server and need to choose between two protocols: TLS 1.2 vs. TLS 1.3. While they may seem interchangeable, their distinct features could significantly affect your server’s performance and security. For instance, TLS 1.3 has an improved handshake process that speeds up […]

Client Certificate vs. Server Certificate: What Is the Difference?

Understanding the dynamics of digital certificates can be overwhelming, especially for new users. With so many technical terms around, navigating the cyber security space requires advanced web encryption and authentication knowledge. The distinction between a client certificate vs. server certificate often confuses non-technical users, but knowing what they are and how they work is essential […]

What Is the Difference Between .CER and .CRT Files?

Installing and managing an SSL certificate can be tricky if you’re not familiar with different file formats like CER vs. CRT. These two extensions may have caught your attention, and you might be wondering what they are, how they differ, and, most importantly, how to convert one into the other. It’s not as complicated as […]

Certificate Revocation List – The Complete Guide

Welcome to the essential guide on Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), a critical aspect of online security. This guide will cut through the jargon and get straight to the point. Have you ever wondered what happens when a digital certificate becomes untrustworthy? Think of it as a red flag in the digital world, signaling potential risks. […]

Port 443 vs 80: How Do They Differ?

Did you know that over 90% of internet traffic runs through port 443? If you’re interested in network security or web development, you’ve likely encountered ports with different numbers, especially ports 80 and 443. But what’s the difference between them? Simply put, port 80 is used for HTTP traffic, and port 443 for HTTPS. We’ll […]

Public Key Cryptography: Decoding the Basics

Are you puzzled by public and private keys? You’re in the right place! Here’s your handy guide to understanding these crucial components of Public Key Cryptography. We’ll show how they work, where they’re used, and why they’re essential for safe communication. You’ll learn the difference between public key and private key and how they enhance […]

How to Convert CRT to PEM, CER to PEM, and DER to PEM

You’re dealing with certificates and need to convert them to PEM format. You’ve got CRT, CER, and DER files, but you’re unsure how to handle them. Don’t worry! This guide will teach you how to use OpenSSL to convert SSL certificates from .crt to .pem successfully. You’ll understand why your certificates must be in PEM […]

TLS Handshake Explained: Protocols, Processes, and Encryption Standards

Navigating the world of internet security can be like trying to untangle a complex web. You’ve probably heard about the TLS handshake, a fundamental process that ensures a secure connection between a client and a server. But what happens during this intricate handshake process, and how do session keys, cryptographic algorithms, and the TLS version […]