Cyber Security

How to View the SSL Certificate of a Website

Do you want to make sure a website you’re visiting is secure? Knowing how to check the SSL certificate can help you determine if a website is trustworthy. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of checking the SSL certificate of a website. By understanding the results, you’ll be able to confidently browse […]

How to Protect Against Brute Force Attacks: Proven Methods for Security

You’re constantly under threat of cyber attacks, one of them being brute force attacks. They’re relentless, automated threats trying to crack your password by trying every possible combination. Fortunately, you’re not defenseless.  In this article, you’ll learn how to prevent brute force attacks and the steps you can take to identify and mitigate them. We’ll […]

Brute Force Attacks Demystified: How They Work and How to Stop Them

You’ve probably heard about brute force attacks, but might be wondering: what is a brute force attack exactly? Imagine a thief trying every possible key to open a lock — that’s essentially what a brute force attack is, but in the digital world. In this article, you’ll learn how they work, why they’re used, the […]

How to Protect Your Website From Hackers?

Hackers can destroy your website in just a few minutes. By losing your data, you will lose both customer confidence and a good reputation. Luckily, for every hacker, there’s an efficient countermeasure. You can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and ensure data integrity if your security practices are robust enough. This article shows […]

How to Prevent Phishing Attacks?

Scamming people is nothing new. Impostors like Victor Lustig and Frank Abagnale have long exploited trust and played mind games with their victims. From selling the Eiffel Tower twice to impersonating a pilot, their cons were legendary. In today’s digital age, scammers find fertile ground on the Internet. A striking example is Evaldas Rimasauskas, a […]

11 Best Practices for Secure Online Payment Processing

One may wonder why businesses are so vulnerable to online fraud. The answer is twofold. Many merchants don’t secure online payment processing the proper way, but fraudsters also deserve some credit as their schemes become increasingly harder to combat. In this article, we’ll reveal eleven best practices on how to secure online payments and protect […]

How to Securely Send Documents via Email

Email has always been an essential tool for communication and file sharing. However, it remains the most vulnerable one. With the growing concerns surrounding privacy and data security breaches, sensitive documents sent via email must have adequate protection. In this article, we’ll show you how to send documents securely via email. By following our tips, […]

What Is Business Email Compromise (BEC) and How to Prevent It?

The Internet has become the driving engine of interaction between companies and customers, with email remaining the most popular tool for formal business communication. Unfortunately, it’s also the most fragile way to exchange messages and sensitive data. Email is prone to phishing, and spam attacks, with Business Email Compromise (BEC) causing heavy financial losses and […]

How to Protect Sensitive Information?

In a world driven by information, securing sensitive data has become critical. Whether you’re an individual concerned about your privacy or a business striving to protect corporate secrets, the stakes are high. Browsers require all websites to encrypt communications between users and servers, and companies invest in regular training to raise the cybersecurity awareness of […]

What Is a Dedicated IP and Do You Need One?

When you sign up for a hosting account, most providers will host your site on a shared IP address, especially if you’re on shared hosting. However, they’ll offer you a dedicated IP either via an upsell during the initial order or as an option in your hosting panel. In this article, we’ll explain what a […]