Why Does Phishing Happen?

Phishing happens because it’s a lucrative and relatively low-risk method for cybercriminals to exploit human vulnerabilities, bypass security measures, and deceive individuals into divulging confidential information or performing harmful actions.

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Who Is Targeted by Phishing?

Phishing targets individuals and organizations across various industries, including banking, e-commerce, healthcare, and government, to obtain sensitive information or financial gain.

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Why Is Phishing Difficult to Prevent?

Phishing is difficult to prevent because scammers continuously evolve their techniques, making it challenging for security measures to keep up and detect every phishing attempt effectively.

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Can I Send Documents Securely via Email for Free?

You can email documents securely for free via Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME). Another approach is to use secure file transfer services or cloud storage providers that offer encryption and password protection for shared files.

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Is Gmail Secure to Send Documents?

Gmail is generally considered secure for sending documents. It uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to protect the data transmitted between the sender and recipient, ensuring that it is not easily intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties. However, end-to-end encryption, where only the sender and intended recipient can decrypt the content, is not natively supported.

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What Is the Most Secure Way to Email Documents?

The most secure way to send documents by email is by using end-to-end encryption methods such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME). These encryption technologies ensure that only the intended recipient can decrypt and access the documents, providing confidentiality and preventing unauthorized interception.

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Why Is It Important to Send Documents via Email in a Secure Way?

Sending documents via email in a secure way is important to maintain confidentiality, privacy, and data integrity. It helps comply with legal requirements, demonstrates professionalism and trust, and mitigates the risks of unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats.

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Does SSL Stripping Work on TLS?

Yes, SSL stripping can work on TLS (Transport Layer Security), the successor to SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Although the name refers to SSL, attackers can use the technique to strip the security from both SSL and TLS connections, as the underlying principle of downgrading the connection remains the same.

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Is SSL Stripping a MitM Attack?

Yes, SSL stripping is a form of MitM attack. The attacker positions themselves between the user and the website, intercepting the communication and manipulating the traffic that compromises the security and privacy of sensitive data.

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Is SSL Stripping a Downgrade Attack?

Yes, SSL stripping can be considered a type of downgrade attack. It downgrades the HTTPS connection to the vulnerable HTTP protocol, where data is transmitted in plain text. As a result, attackers can intercept and decipher the information in transit.

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