What Is an Example of SSL Stripping?

In a café using public Wi-Fi, an attacker conducts an SSL stripping attack by intercepting and downgrading a user’s secure HTTPS connection to a non-secure HTTP connection, allowing them to capture sensitive data such as login credentials and potentially gain unauthorized access to online accounts.

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What Kind of Attack Is SSL Stripping?

SSL stripping is a type of man-in-the-middle attack that targets the secure communication between a user and a website by downgrading the secure HTTPS connection to a non-secure HTTP connection.

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Can the NSA Crack SSL?

This is a million-dollar question without a definitive answer. According to Edward Snowden, the famous whistleblower, NSA is working on it. The New Yorker summarizes Snowden’s claims and the investigations carried out by the Guardian and New York Times on how the N.S.A attempted to crack the web.

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Are There Any Tools to Crack SSL?

Tools like SSLstrip and BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS) carry out specific attacks against SSL/TLS implementations but they aren’t an SSL encryption crack. Both leverage known vulnerabilities in specific SSL/TLS versions or configurations to intercept or manipulate encrypted communications. It’s important to note that these tools primarily target weaknesses in the protocol implementation rather than directly cracking the underlying encryption.

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Has SSL Been Cracked?

SSL encryption has not been “cracked” as far as fundamental cryptographic algorithms are concerned. Vulnerabilities and attacks occur only when the certificate is fraudulently issued or compromised during improper SSL configuration and management.

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What Is the Most Trusted Type of Digital Certificate?

The most trusted type of digital certificate is the Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate. EV certificates undergo a rigorous validation process, where the certificate authority conducts thorough checks to verify the identity and legitimacy of the organization. This includes validating legal existence, physical location, and operational status. 

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How Do I Know What Type of SSL Certificate I Have?

You can inspect the certificate details through your web browser. Start by visiting the website for which you have the SSL certificate. Once on the website, click on the padlock icon in the address bar. This will display the SSL certificate information. Look for the “Certificate” or “Certificate Details” option and click on it to view the details.

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Does the Type of SSL Certificate Matter?

The types of SSL certs matter a lot. Just like Domain Validation SSL isn’t suitable for e-commerce and financial websites, there’s no point in getting a premium EV certificate for a blog or a small business. If you don’t know what kind of certificate you need, use the SSL Wizard to get instant recommendations tailored to your specific needs and budget.

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How Do I Know If a Certificate Is Self-Signed?

To determine if a certificate is self-signed, check the issuer field in the certificate details. If the issuer is the same as the subject (or the issuer is not recognized by a trusted CA), it is likely a self-signed certificate.

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Is a Self-Signed Certificate Better Than No Certificate?

While a self-signed certificate provides some encryption, it’s still less secure than a certificate issued by a trusted CA. However, it’s better to have a self-signed certificate than no certificate at all when encryption is needed.

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