How to Install an SSL certificate on Alteon

This tutorial will show you how to install an SSL Certificate on Alteon ADC (application delivery controller). You will also discover the best place to shop for affordable SSL Certificates.

If you’ve already generated the CSR Code and received the necessary SSL files, you can proceed straight to the installation instructions.

Table of Contents

  1. Generate CSR on Alteon
  2. Install an SSL certificate on Alteon via the web console
  3. Install an SSL certificate on Alteon via the command-line interface (CLI)
  4. Where to buy the best SSL certificate for Alteon?

Generate CSR on Alteon

You have two options:

  1. Use our CSR Generator to create the CSR automatically.
  2. Follow our step-by-step tutorial on how to generate CSR on Alteon.

You can now send your CSR to your Certificate Authority and they will provide you a valid certificate.

Install an SSL certificate on Alteon

After the CA delivers the SSL certificate to your inbox, you can install it on Alteon via the web application or CLI.

Install an SSL certificate via the web

  1. From Vision management go to Configuration > Application Delivery > SSL
  2. Tick the Enable SSL checkmark
  3. Navigate to Certificate Repository and click on Import (for certificate and key)
  4. Select Type (cert or key or intermediate or cert & key or trusted CA), enter Unique ID, Key Passphrase if applicable.
  5. Click Import from (Text or File) and then Import the file.

Note: Make sure both the key and the cert uses the same ID.

Install an SSL certificate via CLI

Add the private key and certificate using the command:


Here’s an example:

>> WEBAPPA-B - vADC 3 - Main# /cfg/slb/ssl/certs/import

Enter Component type to import: [key|certificate|cert+key|intermca|trustca|2424sslcfg|crl|trustca-gr] [key]: key

Enter component ID: 5

Import from text or file in PEM format [text|file] [text]:

text – in case you would like to import the certificate directly out of a text


file – in case you would like to import a certificate file

Where to buy the best SSL certificate for Alteon?

When buying an SSL Certificate, you should consider the validation type, price, and customer service. At SSL Dragon, we offer the complete range of SSL certificates, the best prices, and, of course, dedicated customer support! Our SSL certificates are issued by trusted Certificate Authorities and are compatible with Alteon.

If you don’t know what type of SSL certificate to choose, our SSL Wizard and Certificate Filter will recommend the ideal SSL product for your website.

If you find any inaccuracies, or you have details to add to these SSL installation instructions, please feel free to send us your feedback at [email protected]. Your input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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Experienced content writer specializing in SSL Certificates. Transforming intricate cybersecurity topics into clear, engaging content. Contribute to improving digital security through impactful narratives.