How to Install an SSL Certificate on PRTG Network Monitor

In this article, you will learn how to install an SSL certificate on PRTG Network Monitor. On top of that, you will also discover the best place to shop for affordable SSL Certificates.

If you’ve already applied for an SSL Certificate and received the required SSL files, you can jump straight to the installation instructions.

Table of Contents

  1. Generate a CSR code on PRTG Network Monitor
  2. Install an SSL Certificate on PRTG Network Monitor
  3. Test your SSL installation
  4. Where to buy the best SSL Certificate for PRTG Network Monitor?

Generate a CSR code on PRTG Network Monitor

CSR stands for Certificate Signing Request, a block of encrypted code containing your contact data. Generating CSR is a mandatory step for every SSL applicant. Since you can’t create the CSR code directly on the PRTG system, you’ll need to do it on your own Windows device.

Before we proceed to CSR generation instructions, download the PRTG Certificate Importer. This free tool configures and converts your SSL files for the use with PRTG. It saves you a lot of time and hassle.

You have two options:

  1. Use our CSR Generator to create the CSR automatically.
  2. Follow our step-by-step tutorial on how to generate CSR on PRTG Network Monitor.

You can open your CSR file with any text editor such as Notepad. When requesting your SSL Certificate, copy-paste the CSR contents including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE tags into the corresponding box, on your SSL vendor’s page.

Install an SSL Certificate on PRTG Network Monitor

After your CA approves your request and delivers the SSL files to your inbox, you can continue with the installation.

PRTG Network Monitor offers a free tool to automate the SSL installation. You can download and use it to configure your certificate. Alternatively, you can perform a manual installation.

To import your SSL certificate manually, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1. Download the SSL Files

First, you need to download the ZIP Folder and extract the SSL files on your device.

Step 2. Prepare the necessary SSL files

PRTG Network Monitor uses three different certificate files in PEM format, and an unencrypted private key.

Here’s what you need:

  • .crt. This is your primary (server) SSL certificate. It must be encoded in PEM format. Make sure it has the correct name and extension
  • .key: this is your private key. It must be DECRYPTED to work with PRTG Network Monitor. Open the private key file with any text editor such as Notepad. Use the CTRL+F hotkey to search for the word “Encrypted”. If you find it, you must decrypt the file. You can do it via the OpenSSL tool and your key password.
  • .pem: this file must contain the necessary root certificate or certificates, merged into a single PEM file. The order of the certificates doesn’t matter.

Note: PRTG Network Monitor will not be able to start if you don’t provide the files in the expected format.

Step 3. Copy the SSL Files to your PRTG directory

Once all three files are ready, place them in the /cert subfolder of your PRTG directory.

Step 4. Restart your server

Restart your server to complete the installation.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully installed an SSL Certificate on PRTG Network Monitor.

Test Your SSL Installation

After you install the SSL Certificate on PRTG Network Monitor, type your URL in your browser’s address bar to check the SSL padlock and certificate information. Even if everything displays correctly, we recommend performing a thorough test of your SSL configuration that’ll pinpoint potential hidden errors and vulnerabilities. These powerful SSL tools deliver instant scans and reports on the state of your SSL Certificate.

Where to buy the best SSL Certificate of PRTG Network Monitor

If you’re looking for affordable SSL Certificates, then SSL Dragon is your best SSL vendor. Our intuitive and user-friendly website will walk you through the entire range of SSL Certificates. All our products are issued by reputable Certificate Authorities and are compatible with PRTG Network Monitor.

We bring you the lowest prices on the market and dedicated customer support for any certificate you choose. And, if your struggling to find the ideal cert for your website, use our SSL Wizard and Advanced Certificate Filter tools to get suggestions.

If you find any inaccuracies, or you have details to add to these SSL installation instructions, please feel free to send us your feedback at [email protected]. Your input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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Experienced content writer specializing in SSL Certificates. Transforming intricate cybersecurity topics into clear, engaging content. Contribute to improving digital security through impactful narratives.